
Moon Wish.


 I was talking to the moon in January of this new year.

I usually vent or gossip to this spirit/cosmic being because we go way back.

I usually ask for Luck, protection or something that will bring me good fortune in the human world…but I believe I received enough blessings…for now.

I could have asked for this mans attention I have been fonding over…I could have asked for power…I could have asked for a number of things.

I decided to give back instead.

I don’t know what happens if I spoil my own desire.

It’s not for others, it’s not for gain nor guilt nor anything related to generosity or karma.

What the fuck does the moon even want…

If this cosmic being is part of so many occult rituals, legendary seances, etc…what the fuck would it ask for …

I don’t know but I hope the moon has a great year.