Megan MCNamara.
Trash ass professor who uses abusive language.
If she does not like you she will be a hardass and expect you to achieve a high grade by kissing her ass through her “social contract” of a syllabus and university politics.
As I was trying to navigate leaving my abusive living situation she called my college work, “half assed”, as if she herself can relate to what my life is like.
She will say she cares about students but in reality she has yet to reach out to pay any of my bills.
Obviously has trouble with men and intimacy but after spending class time with her it’s not a mystery as to why anymore.
Obsessed with dead old white guys and acts like one herself with social contracts that are meant to be controlling.
CAUTION NOTE: Megan will backstab you through university politics like a dictator obsessed with seething power through capitalism.
Side note: she thinks cops are nice people.
Megan McNamara.
Narc Bitch and Fun Sucker.
Nortonlearningblog. (2021, November 23). How I abandoned summative assessments and learned to love adaptive quizzing. Norton Learning Blog.